Saturday, August 21, 2010

In islam is it allowed to get fake nails??

I really wanna get fake nails but im muslim. and m saying if fake nails didnt exsit back then they couldnt have made a hadith about it. so can we get them?In islam is it allowed to get fake nails??
See the problem you are going to run into is that when you want to make wudhu before prayer, the fake nails will block the water from reaching your real nails, so your wudhu will not be complete. Unless you can take them off each time you do wudhu - but I don't think that's possible?In islam is it allowed to get fake nails??
well yes i agree with kevin...colouring ur hair jet black is also haram, i remember i did it once, but i ddnt know...but i wont do it nemre!

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Praise be to Allaah.

It is not permissible to wear false eyelashes because this comes under the ruling on wearing hair extensions. Wearing false nails that are long and look like the claws of wild animals is something that has come to us from the kuffaar; our sharee鈥檃h enjoins us to cut our nails and not let them grow long, so why would we want to go against our sharee鈥檃h? We ask Allaah to guide us.
Try thinking for yourself. It'll be a liberating experience.


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